HB534 / SB1221
Gas Tax
Result: Public Chapter Number 181 | Sponsors: Sen. Norris / Rep. Doss
CoSponsors: Casada, Dunn, Sargent, Swann, McDaniel, Whitson, White M, Marsh, Brooks K, Hazlewood, McCormick | Tracy, Harper, Kyle, Yager
Although Tennessee had a revenue surplus of nearly $2 billion and several alternative solutions were submitted, this law increased the state’s tax on fuel—6 cents per gallon of gasoline and 10 cents per gallon of diesel—to fund a very specific list of road projects. In addition, this bill increased vehicle registration fees ($5-$100 annually), funded mass transit, and provided local governments the ability to raise other taxes by referendum, which Nashville Metro used in their attempt to impose a $9-billion tax burden on their citizens for a transit boondoggle.